About The Data

Information from PayGrade

Information from the DPI:

The report is provided on request as a comprehensive record of all staff reported working in the Wisconsin PK-12 Public School System during the regular school year. All public education agencies are incldued (public districts, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies, State education facilities, County Children with Education Disabilities Board Agencies/Schools, and charter schools).

Each record represents one assignment. Staff persons may have more than one assignment, but can be uniquely identified by a Research ID number. Salary and fringe (employee benefit) amounts are duplicated for individuals with multiple assignments. For staff that have multiple assignments, PayGrade will only include their salary and fringe amounts during calculations; however, the staff member can be located based on all assignments.


Total Fringe (Employee Benefits)

The total fringe amount represents all employee benefits as described in the Wisconsin Uniformed Financial Accounting Record (WUFAR) Handbook page 57, Code 200 Employee Benefts: https://dpi.wi.gov/sfs/finances/wufar/overview.
These include the following:

For more information about this data, go to https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/wisestaff.